GHDDI is growing rapidly to build its capability and capacity in performing drug discovery activities. We welcome talented scientists and researchers, as well as managerial and operations experts to join us. We provide outstanding career opportunities for motivated and talented individuals who share GHDDI’s vision and are committed to making a difference in science and human healthcare.

If you are interested in working at GHDDI, please contact us at

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Antiviral  


  • 候选人将和多学科交叉创新团队成员一起,参与开发用于传染病(例如由乙型肝炎病毒, 冠状病毒、享尼帕病毒、流感病毒引发的)治疗的新药。
  • 利用体外高通量筛选试验来确定候选药物,利用动物模型来评价候选药物的有效性和作用机制。
  • 需要具备良好的科学素养和较强的团队合作能力,能够独立工作以及和团队成员紧密合作,参与免疫研究项目的设计、执行、对结果的解读和项目交流。



  • 具有病毒学、免疫学、细胞生物学和分子生物学等相关专业博士学位。
  • 优秀的口头表达能力、写作能力和组织能力。
  • 掌握分子生物学, 免疫病毒学相关的实验技能,具有病毒培养、免疫检测等相关实验操作经验。
  • 有乙型肝炎病毒, 冠状病毒,以及流感病毒操作经验者、设计和开发过新的病毒筛选试验方法的候选人优先考虑。
  • 在筛选试验方法开发方面拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,能为体外药物筛选提供最佳的高通量筛选试验系统。
  • 能够独立设计实验、解读和分析数据,并且对实验结果进行及时反馈和沟通。







1. 在国内外获得博士学位的应届博士毕业生(申请时须已满足博士学位论文答辩的基本要求),年龄在35岁以下

2. 能全职在本站从事博士后研发工作

3. 博士所从事的研究方向和专业符合本站博士后岗位的要求


1. 您可以探索和了解从早期药物发现至临床前IND研究的全流程并参与其中

2. GHDDI与清华大学药学院双导师制,让您可以与顶尖的国内外工业界及学术界专家一起工作

3. GHDDI良好的学术氛围及文化、丰富的培训及学习机会帮助您快速成长

4. GHDDI国际一流的研发实验平台及全球研发资源网络为您提供广阔视野

5. GHDDI与清华大学药学院实力联动、联合培养模式为您创造更多机会


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4. 补充医疗保险(包括子女)及年度健康体检

5. 博士后出站后可继续在GHDDI工作


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Associate Scientist/Scientist, Assay Development & Screening  

About the Role

The successful candidate will primarily support the assay development and screening capabilities of the HTS Platform, using their scientific and technical skills to develop/optimize assays and carry out screening campaigns for internal projects, collaborations, and services to external customers. Additional support of other areas including cell culture and molecular biology is expected.


Key Responsibilities

• Design and develop fit for purpose assays in close collaboration with disease biology colleagues.

• Support all aspects of assay development and screening activities including assay optimization, validation, and execution on automation systems.

• Test and troubleshoot a variety of assay types, e.g. binding and competition assays, may use techniques such as reporter cell line, FP, AlphaLISA/AlphaScreen, FRET/HTRF based assays and ELISA.

• Use liquid handling automation to support high throughput screening.

• Contribute to laboratory process improvements.

• Support data management by analyzing data and recording within laboratory notebooks.

• Prepare reports and share with/present to project teams and collaborators.

• Assist related functions, e.g. cell culture, molecular biology, when required.

• Abide by Laboratory SOPs and work within EHS, Ethical and Quality standards.


Minimum Requirements

• MS in biological sciences (or equivalent) with 3 years of post-school laboratory working experience.

• Ability of follow instructions and create standard operating procedures.

• Good organizational and time management skills.


Preferred Qualifications

• MS with 5+ years or PhD with 2+ years of working experience in academic laboratories, CROs, or biotech/pharmaceutical industry.

• Track record of contributing to successful outcomes on projects.

• Experiences in developing assays and/or carrying out screening campaigns for drug discovery are highly desired.

• Comprehensive knowledge, understanding, and experience of modern liquid handling technologies is a big plus.

• Experience of carrying out data analysis such as multi-parameter curve fitting, EC50/IC50 determination, or using excel macro to handle large dataset is advantageous.

• Must possess and demonstrate strong written and verbal communication skills.

• Must be highly self-motivated and can work effectively in a collaborative team environment.



Beijing, China

Scientist/Investigator (Chemical Biologist & Project Leader), Disease Biology  

Key Responsibilities

  • Determine the mode of action of antibacterial small molecules using systems biology techniques including metabolomics and genomics, etc.
  • Design/synthesize or biosynthesize molecular probes to study the mechanisms of drug targets at both molecular and cellular levels.
  • Develop novel biochemical assays for analysis of multi-component systems such as transcription, translation, respiration and cell membrane/wall biosynthesis.
  • Broadly review anti-infective drug discovery literature, contribute to the initiation of new projects, organize and present project updates.


Minimum Requirements

  • PhD degree in chemical biology, biochemistry, enzymology, microbial metabolism or the related microbiological sciences, preferably with at least 2-year postgraduate experience and project leading experience.
  • Knowledge and experience in various bioanalytic techniques including LCMS, SPR, MST or large molecule NMR, etc is required or highly appreciated. Demonstrable skills in data analysis including programming and statistics would be a plus.
  • Good team player, excellent collaboration and communication skills including fluent oral and written presentations in English.
  • Scientific integrity is a must; the candidate should be professionally detail-oriented.



Beijing, China